Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Living in Uncertain Times

A combination of  bad economic forecasts, job security or lack thereof, sensless acts of violence and and other things have contributed to many of us facing uncertain times and the assocaited stress /anxiety that goes with it.  As a Christian I am often left with this nagging feeling that I should have more faith and not be impacted by all of this, yet in truth find I too often get drageed into anxiety/panic in uncertain times.  In addition to the adverse physical/emotional drain that such anxiety can cause, I also end up feeling more defeated and feeling I should have a stronger faith..

Recently, I have been looking at some Psalms and if you get chance today compare and contrast Psalm 44 and 46.  Psalm 44 is a Psalm of despair/realization/frustration.  Despair, as at that time it appears hard for the Psalmist to see God.  Realization, in that the Psalmist appears to begin to understand that the resolution of tempestuouds circumstance lies not  with the guile/agility of men (see v 3-8).  However,even with this head knowledge you stiill see frustration and despair creeping in as he struggles to understand why things are still going "wrong" even though he apparently has done everything right (v 17-18).  Yet, two Psalms later in Psalm 46, although things still seem to be tempestuous as ever the Psalmist appears to have gained a new perspective (See verses 1-3).  It appears that as the Psalmist works through the uncertain circumstances in which he finds himself, it strikes him that it is God who will solve the problem, his role is to testify to just how great and caring God is, even during adversity (see v8 -9).

I can relate to this guy!  So often I am tempted to get  anxious, frustrated and despairing about a situation that I can do little or anything about and quite frankly has overwhelmed me.  I have done everything I know to do the right thing and yet still everything seems in turmoil and not working out and I ahven't been able to so"solve" it.  Thankfully, at times like these a small voice reminds me that the battle is God's and my role is just to bear testimony to those around me; to my family and others whom God has placed in my path; as to  how God is working and caring for each person even when it seems our world is turned upside down!

So at times when I feel I have no insight or control as to i how things will work out or what will happen in a given set of circumstances, what I can do is let God know that my desire is to focus beyond the turmoil and bear witness to God in a gentle way to those He puts in my path.   As I choose this over the temptation to panic or fear, time and time again God shows himself to be faithful. 

My next challenge, to remember to give things over to God as my first course of action as oppossed to my last .... something with which it seems I am still struggling!.

In Jesus Precious Name.


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